Make Money With Care

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About Care was founded in 2006 on the understanding that quality family care is both a fundamental human need and a key driver of economic growth and empowerment. When children receive quality care in their critical formative years, they are on a path to achievement and success. Women disproportionately shoulder caregiving responsibilities, but when they have supports in place that enable them to work, our economy grows. When seniors receive quality care in their homes, healthcare costs decline with fewer hospital stays. When we have a strong caregiving workforce, all these things are possible.

About the oppurtunity

Create a profile to find jobs that fit your schedule. Apply to jobs posted by local families hiring in your area. Match with families, take jobs as you need them, and start earning!

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? No
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? No
Computer Needed? Yes
Entry Level: Easy
First Month Earnings: $10

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