Make Money With eJury

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About eJury

eJury is a community website that has been active for more than 20 years and also founded by Christopher L. Bagby, who got an idea about using the internet to enhance his performance and prepare for the upcoming trials. They become the leader in mock jury and focus group research, handling many cases for attorneys all across the United States. It allows attorneys to check the case before it goes to trial in front of the jury at the courthouse. This community will help the attorney with the feedback that they will get to use in establishing a settlement value, learn "public" attitudes, improve jury selection & decision, facts to emphasize, discover the most compelling arguments, and find strengths and weaknesses in the evidence.

About the oppurtunity

It is an excellent extra income for those in a legal course that can earn up to $5 - $35 per case. Make sure you complete your profile details so that you can get as many cases as you can. If you chose a longer and more complicated case, then you will get higher payments or rewards that will send straight right to you Paypal.

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? No
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? No
Computer Needed? No
Entry Level: Hard
First Month Earnings: $100

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