Make Money With Gigwalk

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About Gigwalk

Gigwalk, the world's largest brand intelligence platform.

About the oppurtunity

Gigwalk is one of the more unique app-based jobs. It pays people to help them gather data for market research. You don’t need a vehicle and you won’t be making deliveries or filling out surveys. Gigwalk helps companies with a range of small tasks. Many of the gigs involve going to a local business and taking pictures of how certain products are displayed or stocked. Users can make anywhere from $3 to $100 per gig depending on the difficulty and length. Most take as little as five minutes, but others can take a few hours.

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? No
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? Yes
Computer Needed? Yes
Entry Level: Easy
First Month Earnings: $200

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