Make Money With HyerCar

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About HyerCar

A marketplace for car owners and ride sharing drivers. Rent cars to drive with Uber, Lyft, and food/package delivery that best fit your needs. Available for daily, weekly or monthly rentals.

About the oppurtunity

Create a free listing with just a few minutes. Describe your car and upload some clean photos, vehicle registration, and Uber/Lyft inspection documents. You will be notified when someone requests to rent your vehicle. Be sure to confirm the application as soon as possible, as the applications expire after 24 hours. Drivers tend to book multiple vehicles to increase their chances of getting on the road faster, so the first owner to approve the booking request will see the earnings.After approving the application, it is important to verify the accuracy of all documents for your vehicle. Insurance is generated 24 hours before pick up, unless an early pick up request is submitted. You will also want to make sure that your registration and vehicle inspection documents are up-to-date before you hand over the keys to the driver. To promote safety for all parties, do not hand over the vehicle unless you see the correct insurance document on your dashboard.

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? Yes
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? Yes
Computer Needed? No
Entry Level: Medium
First Month Earnings: $300

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