Make Money With Prolific

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About Prolific

Prolific specializes in providing research for academic people. Prolific provides access to paid studies to tens of thousands of trusted participants in minutes. Recruit niche or representative samples on-demand. Prolific builds the most powerful and flexible tools for online research.

About the oppurtunity

Researchers want to understand how people feel, think and behave. On Prolific, you get paid cash for taking part in engaging research (no silly points or prize draws). No PhDs required! What kinds of studies are there? Surveys, games or studies about scientific research, new products or public opinion. From minutes to hours, to multi-part studies over longer periods, it’s always up to you what studies to participate in. Studies pay a minimum of $6.50 per hour. Easily cashout via your paypal account.

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? No
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? No
Computer Needed? Yes
Entry Level: Medium
First Month Earnings: $200

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