Make Money With RedBubble

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About RedBubble

Redbubble was born in 2006 in Melbourne, Australia. The dream was simple. Give independent artists a meaningful new way to sell their creations. Today, we connect over 700,000 artists and designers across the planet with millions of passionate fans. A brave (and dare we say stylish) new world of self expression.

About the oppurtunity

You design and publish t-shirts, phone cases, and about 20 other mixed products, with each sell netting you a few bucks. They are based in Australia, and do pay-outs once a month on the 15th via PayPal. You do all of the uploading and just wait for people to find it with keywords or searches. Great if you are artistic or know how to use any creative software

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? No
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? No
Computer Needed? Yes
Entry Level: Easy
First Month Earnings: $10

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