Make Money With Rover

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About Rover is an American company which operates an online marketplace for people to buy and sell pet care services including pet sitting, dog boarding, and dog walking. was founded in 2011 in Seattle, Washington and is formally incorporated under the name A Place for Rover, Inc. The company serves as a broker and takes roughly 20% of each transaction booked through its site.

About the oppurtunity

If you love animals and would like a way to earn some extra money on the side, pet sitting might just be the perfect fit for you. After all, no extensive training or certifications are required. The main qualifications to be a pet sitter are simply loving animals, being reliable, and caring for them in a safe, loving environment. Sitters that treat Rover like a part-time job and take two or three dogs for two weeks out of the month earn an average of $1,000 per month. Meanwhile, those that treat Rover like a full-time job, working 4 weeks out of the month and taking 2-3 dogs at a time, earn an average of $3,300/month.

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? No
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? Yes
Computer Needed? No
Entry Level: Easy
First Month Earnings: $300

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