Make Money With Saucey

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About Saucey

Saucey is an alcohol delivery service that operates in a limited set of big cities only in the US. Saucery currently operates in the following city.

About the oppurtunity

Saucey currently operates in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco,Sacramento, Oakland and Chicago. As a courier, you can choose the area you would like to work in along with the hours you would like to work. The hours for Saucey work in shift blocks, so you’ll have to select an entire block of time to work. According to glassdoor couriers make on average from $10-$22 per hour.

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? Yes
Bike Needed? Yes
Phone Needed? Yes
Computer Needed? No
Entry Level: Easy
First Month Earnings: $300

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