Make Money With Stuvia

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About Stuvia

Since 2010 Stuvia has been the online platform of choice for the most current summaries on a wide variety of books and topics. Additionally, Stuvia had made it really easy to sell your own study material. Globally, over one million people are using Stuvia on a monthly basis.

About the oppurtunity

By rewarding writers for the hours they spend on their summaries, Stuvia creates an environment where knowledge and skills becomes valuable. On Stuvia, top sellers of study documents earn around $400 each month. If you sell study notes online, you can potentially make hundreds of dollars per month in passive income. Making study notes will also help you learn the subject matter better.

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More About This Oppurtunity

Car Needed? No
Bike Needed? No
Phone Needed? No
Computer Needed? Yes
Entry Level: Easy
First Month Earnings: $250

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