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Since 2010 Stuvia has been the online platform of choice for the most current summaries on a wide variety of books and topics. Additionally, Stuvia had made it really easy to sell your own study...
Slicethepie is the largest paid review site on the internet. You earn cash for every review you leave! Your feedback on tracks, clothing and lots more goes directly to help artists, record labels...
When Deliveroos founder and CEO Will Shu moved to London in 2013 he discovered a city full of great restaurants, but he was amazed that so few of them delivered food. He made it his personal...
Qmee is a free app, available on desktop and mobile, designed with both the brands it works with, and its users, in mind. For users, Qmee allows you to share your opinions through surveys tailored...
Were a small team of website designers/developers. Our goal with GamerMine is to give back as much as we can to the user while providing a safe, fun and well maintained platform to earn online.
Survey Junkie is an online community with over 10 million members dedicated to making your voice heard. We open the window of communication between you and the brands you love. See your opinions...
PaidViewpoint is operated by Ask Your Target Market. AYTM, with your help, is revolutionizing the market research industry by making quality market research easily accessible and... was founded in 2006 on the understanding that quality family care is both a fundamental human need and a key driver of economic growth and empowerment. When children receive quality care...
Userbrain is a digital agency with an international team of experts creatively crafting apps and services. User focused design and development for all platforms..
Testbirds was founded in 2011 by Philipp Benkler, Georg Hansbauer, and Markus Steinhauser. Today, the company has over 100 employees with its headquarters in Munich, as well as offices in Amsterdam...
TryMyUI Usability Testing Services improve website usability. Get your website user tested by real people & watch user generated usertesting videos.
Lionbridge Technologies, Inc is an American company that provides localization and AI training data services. Based in Waltham, Massachusetts, the company has operations in 26 countries.
Appen collects and labels images, text, speech, audio, video, and other data used to build and continuously improve the world’s most innovative artificial intelligence systems. Our expertise...
Prolific specializes in providing research for academic people. Prolific provides access to paid studies to tens of thousands of trusted participants in minutes. Recruit niche or representative...
Avail is a peer-to-peer car sharing service and car rental alternative, is launching in cities across the country. Avail offers a clean, safe and reliable way to get around, connecting car owners...
SoLo Funds is a simple app that allows you to borrow anywhere from $50 to $1,000 from your peers. To begin, you need to create an account and enter how much you’re willing to tip for the loan, when...
Dolly is the leading on-demand, final-mile delivery provider for big and bulky goods trusted by retailers like The Container Store, Lowes, Costco, Crate & Barrel, Big Lots!, and many more.
HomeToGo is a search engine for vacation homes, apartments, villas, and cottages. Search, compare, and book online.